The Blueprint To 

Incorporate Leasing Effectively 


Most leasing partners give you a rate table or access to quick quotes and send you on your way. TAMCO is different. As our partner, you receive sales support as if we are an extension of your team.


With over two decades of expertise in telecommunications and technology leasing, we can confidently say that it takes a little more systematic approach in order to make leasing relevant to your sales efforts. The 4-Step How To Buy process is that systematic approach. When positioned in the correct manner you can use monthly payment recommendations as a competitive advantage.

When followed, you will be able to provide more credibility as a sales professional, position a total solution, and ultimately increase your win ratios.

All TAMCO partners should follow the 4-step How To Buy process to be able to receive the most value from your leasing partnership.

Please fill out the form below to download your copy of The How To Buy Blueprint