Is Your Sales Team Taking Orders, or Selling Value?

If you are waiting for customers to explicitly ask your sales team for "AV-as-a-Service" or other forms of this type of subscription solution, chances are good at some point your organization is going to struggle to compete.

If You Want To Align With Evolving Customer Expectations...

However, if you want to be aligned with evolving customer expectations, then you need to understand AV-as-a-Service (AVaaS) or Technology-as-a-Service (TaaS) is in fact the solution they are asking for (without actually knowing it or saying those words).

As this recent AV Interactive article points out, a few of the key customer requirements for today’s technology solutions now include:

  • greater value
  • more flexibility
  • agility to adapt quickly
  • transfer of business risk
  • financial clarity and predictability

Cash purchases are too risky and can’t deliver this combination of requirements, while Technology-as-a-Service provides all of the above and more.  And, Edge is helping its partners stay ahead of the curve with TaaS through Preferred Service Provider partners like TAMCO. 

Download TAMCO's Integrator Playbook for an overview of how to begin to embrace a service sales model based on Technology-as-a-Service.

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When you are ready, let's have a conversation to share more and discover if this type of sales strategy can be a fit for your organization.

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